order of magnitude


order of magnitude

suuruus, magnitudi, koko, laajuus, voimakkuus, luokka, suuruusluokka, suhde, suuruusluokka kymmenjärjestelmässä.

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Englannin sanakirja

order of magnitude (englanti > suomi)

  1. suuruusluokka, kertaluokka

order of magnitude englanniksi

  1. The class of scale or magnitude of any amount, where each class contains values of a fixed ratio (most often 10) to the class preceding it. For example, something that is 2 orders of magnitude larger is 100 times larger, something that is 3 orders of magnitude larger is 1000 times larger, and something that is 6 orders of magnitude larger is a million times larger, because 10^2 = 100, 10^3 = 1000, and 10^6 = a million.

  2. 2011, w:Enrico Fermi|Enrico Fermi, s:Wikisource:Translations Wikisource (translator), s:Electrodynamic and Relativistic Theory of Electromagnetic Mass|Concerning a Contradiction between the Electrodynamic and Relativistic Theory of Electromagnetic Mass, 1922, Enrico Fermi, Über einen Widerspruch zwischen der elektrodynamischen und relativistischen Theorie der elektromagnetischen Masse, Physikalische Zeitschrift, v 23, pp 340-344,

  3. However, we notice that although this contraction is of order of magnitude v^{2}:c^{2}, it changes the most important terms of electromagnetic mass, i.e, the rest mass.
